
Thursday 15 March 2012

Dream come true!

When I first joined twitter, which was not too long ago, I noticed lots of cats in cute little berets.
"Wow," I thought, "Aren't they just so cool?" And then as I realized they all used the same tag, "I wonders what WLF means..."

My curiosity was piqued!
And you know what happens when a kitty gets curious about somethin...

So I snooped around, got my paws into everyfing, and learned about the amazing socialist animal movement known as #wlf, or Whiskas Liberation Front.  I figured I'd neber be prolific enough to join their ranks, so I just followed along on their adventures, admiring from afar.  Widdle wednesdays intrigued me, and they have some great staff training tips. [Sorry mom...]

But yesterday, all that changed.  I took the oath at @eldridelephant's blog, an the amazing an talented @wlfmadhatter gave me a beret of my own! I'm a real member of WLF now =D
Don't I look dashing?

An now I've met all kinds of new anipals! I can't wait to get to know them all. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun! Who knows, maybe my sisfur Molly will join up one day too >^..^<

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Livin in Canada, March is usually cold. Last year, I was still wearin my sweater this time of year! Normally we has snow and other cold weather. Now, I don't mean to complain: snow can be fun. One time, dad took me outside and I shoved my face right in the snowbank! I tend to communicate love via head bonks :)

But this year, the snow went missing. I watched for it all winter frum my window, and I just didn't see any. On da bright side, I didn't have to wear my sweater so much. Only for a little while in January.  Here's me all cuddled up:

Hey now, don't judge! A kitty's gotta do what a kitty's gotta do to keep warm up here! Well, at least we used to.

Yesterday was so warm that I got to go outside for patrol! I can't go out when its cold 'cause I start shivering. Yes really. We don't have a yard here, so I get to patrol the front porch. Sometimes, if I'm feeling brave, I get to go to the park. I stared down a doggie once. Boy was that doggie confused to see a cat on a leash!

Oh yeah, an because we live near a big road and train tracks, mom always comes out with me an I wear my harness. I think I look pretty fetching, no?

Iz any one else experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures? Enjoying early patrols? I don't know about you, but I'm sittin at the open windows every chance I get!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Where do I start?

I haz never had a blog before, so Iz not really sure what to write about!  I suppose it is good to start at da begining.

Some family left me at the Guelph humane society shelter. I was just three years old, an I wasn't spayed. No one knows what happened to me afore that, an Iz keepin it a secret.

One day, just after I had my surgery, momma an dad came to the shelter. Dad said no cats, but momma begged him to come an just look.  Her excuse was she just wanted to play with all the kitties. She's a crafty one.

So mom an dad walked in to the cat room. Mom didn't even look at me right away! She was lookin at a big moose of a cat named Penelope. But dad saw me. He pointed me out to mom an said, "what about this one?"
Mom looked at me an turned back to Penelope, "No, we don't have time for a kitten, remember?"
"But she's not a kitten. She's three!" An that's how dad saved the day.

Mom came over to my cage. It was me, my empty nom bowl, a litter pan an a crinkle ball. I pushed the crinkle ball to her, so she tossed it up on the platform. I jumped up to get it an brought it back to her.
"Oh look!  She fetches." Mom smiled all happy-like. I knew I had her hooked!
"Well, I guess we can take her out and at least hold her..." Mom's heart was melting for me already!

When momma held me in her arms, I looked at her with my big eyes, and gave her a great big lick up the cheek! I knew she was good people, so I chose her.

Daddy saw that kiss an knew that I was goin home wif them. I'm good :)

They stayed for two hours with me! I was still a bit tipsy cause of the pain drugs, but I was the happiest I'd ever been.

A few days later, on daddy's birfday, they drove back to the shelter to bring me home.

Wasn't I adorable?

Oh, an Penelope got adopted by another family just five days after me, so we both got homes!