
Wednesday 14 March 2012


Livin in Canada, March is usually cold. Last year, I was still wearin my sweater this time of year! Normally we has snow and other cold weather. Now, I don't mean to complain: snow can be fun. One time, dad took me outside and I shoved my face right in the snowbank! I tend to communicate love via head bonks :)

But this year, the snow went missing. I watched for it all winter frum my window, and I just didn't see any. On da bright side, I didn't have to wear my sweater so much. Only for a little while in January.  Here's me all cuddled up:

Hey now, don't judge! A kitty's gotta do what a kitty's gotta do to keep warm up here! Well, at least we used to.

Yesterday was so warm that I got to go outside for patrol! I can't go out when its cold 'cause I start shivering. Yes really. We don't have a yard here, so I get to patrol the front porch. Sometimes, if I'm feeling brave, I get to go to the park. I stared down a doggie once. Boy was that doggie confused to see a cat on a leash!

Oh yeah, an because we live near a big road and train tracks, mom always comes out with me an I wear my harness. I think I look pretty fetching, no?

Iz any one else experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures? Enjoying early patrols? I don't know about you, but I'm sittin at the open windows every chance I get!

1 comment:

  1. I live in Canada, too! And we didn't get nearly as much snow as we normally do, either. The good thing is, the basement likely won't flood this spring. Yeah!
